
Spatial Requirements: Regular classroom setup: little or no space required
Activity Type: Group (in pairs)
Grades: 5-12
Group Size: 2
Time: 5 minutes

Introduction: This activity is designed to demonstrate the need and importance to have people in our lives with whom we can share. The activity will specifically highlight the need to have someone in our life that recognizes our strengths and positive qualities, someone with whom we can share our stress and anxiety, and someone in whom we can trust to go to for advice. This activity should only be done with a group in which there is an emotional bond or connection. This is best accomplished at the end of a Whytry course or semester.

Materials: No materials are needed


Participants will get into pairs throughout the room. These pairs will sit directly in front of one another. One person will put his hands palms up beneath the outstretched palms of the other person whose palms are face down (like the hand slapping game). You will start by saying: “The person whose hands are on top will start. For 30 seconds you will compliment or tell the other person what you like about them. Go!” You then time them for 30 seconds. At the end you have them switch the positions of their hands and repeat the process.

You will then say: “Leave your hands where they are at. Whoever just finished talking will start round two. Whomever has their hands on top will share their stresses, anxieties or share a problem you are facing or trying to solve for 30 seconds. Go!” At the end of 30 seconds ask the participants to switch the positions of their hands and the other person will repeat the same.

At the end of round 2, you will have the person who just finished talking keep their hands in the same position to start round 3. You say: “For the last round, I want you to pretend this is the last time you’ll see this person. What words of advice, pearls of wisdom, or anything you would want to share for 30 seconds. Go!” At the end of 30 seconds ask the participants to switch the positions of their hands and the other person will repeat the same. 

That is the end of the activity. They can return to the normal seating arrangement to process the experience. HEADS UP: This can be a very positive and emotional activity.

Processing the Experience:

  • What were some of the emotions you felt during this activity?
  • How did you feel when you were being complimented?
  • How did you feel when you could share a problem or something that is bothering you?
  • How did you feel about the advice you gave? What about the advice you received?
  • Who has a more lasting impact on our lives: the people who would be in the first set of questions or the last set of questions? Why?
  • Which of the people from the second set of questions has had the biggest impact on your life? Why?
  • How can we find more people like those in the last three questions to help us in life?
  • How can we be this type of person for others?
  • How can plugging in help us achieve our goals?
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