Spatial Requirements: Classroom with moderate space required
Activity Type: Movement/group
Grades: 2-12
Group Size: 10 or more
Time: 10 minutes

Introduction:  We all feel a need to belong, which is why sometimes individuals find themselves in groups of friends that keep them in the pot. Finding a group of friends that understands the “real you” can lead to opportunity, freedom, and self-respect.  This activity demonstrates the need to belong, and leads to discussion on the importance of including others and building positive relationships.


  • 1 “phrase” paper per student (These can be found at the link above.)


Print out the phrases and cut them into slips before this activity.  Some of the phrases will be on five pieces of paper, some of them on four, some on three, some on two, and some on a single piece of paper. The number of “phrase groups” will depend on the number of people in the class. 

Pass out the slips of paper and tell the students to keep them face down.  When everyone has received a slip of paper, have the students turn over their papers and read them silently.  Tell them not to share what is on their papers with anyone until you tell them to do so.  Explain that they are to get up and move around the room and, without talking, show their paper to one person at a time.  When they find someone who has the same phrase as them, they are to form a team and look for more individuals with their phrase together.  Give enough time for everyone to find their group.  Then have the student(s) with no matches (because their phrase was only written one time) come to the front of the class.

Processing the Experience:  

  • How hard was it to find your group?
  • How did you feel when you found a match?
  • How did it feel when you found out you had no group?
  • What is a clique?  Is a clique good or bad? Why?
  • What are some cliques or groups at this school?
  • Why do we like to belong to a group?
  • Why would a positive group help you find opportunity, freedom, and self-respect?  How can you find a group that helps you be the “real you?”
  • How can you help someone who is struggling to belong?
  • How can you help a new person at your school?
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