Spatial Requirements: Gym/outdoor space required
Activity Type: Movement/group
Grades: 1-12
Group Size: 10 or more
Time: 20 minutes

Introduction: Part of lifting the weight includes doing what is best for everyone.  Rules and laws exist to benefit as many people as possible.  This game reinforces the concept of working for the greater good of the group rather than for personal gain or glory.


  • Wristbands in 4 different colors, or white stickers with the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 written on them
  • 2 basketballs
  • Basketball court


Divide the group into four teams. Give each team a batch of stickers: Number 1 stickers for team one, number 2 stickers for team two, etc. Each person puts his/her white sticker on his/her shirt. Teams one and two will shoot at one basket, and teams three and four will shoot at the other basket. Use two basketballs so everyone can play at the same time. If possible, it is best to play with no “out-of-bounds.” The object of the game is for everyone on a team to score a basket. 

Play by regular basketball rules, only everyone plays at once and tries to help his/her own team to score.  Every time a basket is made, the person who made the basket takes off his/her sticker and places it on the “scoreboard” – a designated area of the wall.  Once a person scores a basket, he or she cannot make any more points for his or her team.   If a person with no sticker scores a basket, his/her team loses a point. The first team to successfully have everyone score a basket wins.  Note: Make sure that the basketball hoops are at the appropriate height for your age group.

Variation: If you’re concerned that some students will be unable to make a basket, give a time limit to this activity.  The team that has the most stickers on the wall at the end of the time is the winner.

Processing the Experience:

  • How was this game different from other games you play?
  • Was it harder or easier than playing regular basketball rules? In what way?
  • Once you scored for your team, in what way were you able to continue to contribute to the team?
  • In life, why is it important to work for the greater good of everyone?
  • Who benefits when we obey the laws and rules of parents and society? How?
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