Spatial Requirements: Gym/outdoor space required
Activity Type: Movement/group
Grades: 2-12
Group Size: 8 or more
Time: 10-15 minutes

Introduction: If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get anywhere. This activity shows students that when there is no clear path – when we have a limited view – it becomes easy to lose direction. It will show that true freedom comes from setting goals and maintaining a bigger view. The team that wins this activity will do so by chance, as there is no way to predict what direction a released balloon will take.


  • 1 balloon for each person
  • 1 roll of masking tape
  • Fishing line and paper clips for the optional follow-up activity


When you have divided the class up into teams of four, make a starting line on the floor with a piece of masking tape.  The teams will line up in single file behind this line. On your command, the first person in line will blow up their balloon, hold it out in front of them, and release it. The second person in line runs to the spot where the first balloon landed, blows up their own balloon, and releases it in front of them. The third teammate runs to the spot where this balloon lands, and the process continues until all the players have released their balloons.  The team lucky enough to end up farthest from the starting line is the winner.

To complete the optional follow-up activity, tape a long piece of fishing line across the room and attach a paper clip to it so it slides easily back and forth.  Have students blow up their balloons again and tape or hook them on to the paper clip before releasing the air.  Then have them release the balloons and compare how much farther the balloon goes when it has control and a set direction.

Processing the Experience:

  • Why was it difficult to determine who would win?
  • What was frustrating about this activity? 
  • How are these balloons related to having a limited view in life?
  • What happens to us when we have a limited view?
  • Why is it difficult to have direction and purpose when you can only see the problems of the present?
  • How can having goals and direction give you more freedom in life?
  • What are some things you can control that will help you get to your goal? 
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