Spatial Requirements: Regular classroom setup: little or no space required
Activity Type: Group
Grades: 1-12
Group Size: 5 or more
Time: 10-15 minutes

Introduction: Having a limited view means your focus is on things other than your goals and dreams.  This activity shows that real winners have a goal and don’t let others pull them away from it.


  • 1 piece of paper per student
  • 1 writing utensil per student
  • Any other drawing/coloring materials (optional)
  • Prize for winners (optional)


Tell the participants that they will be given three minutes to draw anything they would like, and if their drawing contains what you (the facilitator) are looking for, they could win the drawing contest.  Let them know that the reward will not be based on artistic talent.

When the two minutes is up, pick some criteria at random for the winning drawing, such as, “Whose drawing contains a tree?” or “Whose drawing contains food?” and declare these drawings the winners. You may repeat this activity with new criteria.

If time allows, give the students a chance to draw a picture of their goal or dream.  Tell them that they are all winners for having a goal in life. You may want to award them all a prize at this point.

Processing the Experience:

  • Do you think this contest was fair? Why or why not?
  • What would have made this contest easier?
  • Where do you want to be in 10 years?  How could focusing on this enable you to reach your goals?
  • How does having a limited view make it difficult to reach our goals?
  • How does seeing the big picture give us opportunity, freedom, and self-respect?
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