
Think Outside of the Box

Spatial Requirements: Regular classroom setup: little or no space requiredActivity Type: GroupGrades: 3-12Group Size: 2 or moreTime: 5-10 minutes Introduction: Jumping life’s hurdles requires thinking outside the box.  This warm-up energizer activity will help participants do just that. Materials: Blackboard or whiteboard 1 paper and pencil per student Activity:  Write the following formula for the entire group to see: 5 […]

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Tarp Turnover

Spatial Requirements: Gym/outdoor space requiredActivity Type: Movement/groupGrades: K-12Group Size: 5 or moreTime: 15 minutes Introduction: In life, we face situations where we need to reevaluate our actions, adapt, adjust, and formulate another plan to jump the hurdle. In this activity, students will work together to make a plan and try to carry it out in small steps, reframing and adjusting as

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Pyramid of Cups

Spatial Requirements: Classroom with moderate space requiredActivity Type: Movement/groupGrades: 4-12Group Size: 4-6 people per teamTime: 15-20 minutes Introduction: In life, we encounter problems – or hurdles – on a daily basis.  The key to success in solving these problems is to utilize the resources and support around us, and to consistently engage in positive self-talk. This activity helps reinforce this principle.

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Number Review

Spatial Requirements: Classroom with moderate space Activity Type: Movement/groupGrades: 1-12Group Size: 10 or moreTime: 20 minutes Introduction: When trying to jump a hurdle, it is important to identify the problem, set appropriate goals, and effectively communicate those goals to others. This activity shows students the importance of creating a workable plan, and communicating that plan to others in order to achieve goals

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