Spatial Requirements: Regular classroom setup: little or no space required
Activity Type: Movement/group
Grades: K-12
Group Size: 12-16 (even number)
Time: 30-40 minutes

Introduction: This activity will help students understand the importance of having a positive support network.  They will learn five connections that will help turn on the light, allowing them to see their future more clearly.  


  • 1 small jar filled with candy, such as M&Ms or Skittles (Count the candy in the jar beforehand)
  • 1 3×5 card per person
  • 1 pencil per person


Give everyone a 3×5 card and a pencil. Hold up the jar of candy and tell each person to guess how many candies are in the jar. Have them keep their answers to themselves and write their answers on the card. Explain that we are now going to play “The Connection” (Look up – Look Down game). Have the group stand in a circle and look down at their feet. On the count of three, each group member is to look someone in the circle directly in the eye.  (You must look at a different person each time).  The object of the game is to meet eyes with someone else. When they do, they should yell out, then they become partners with that person and leave the circle together.  The final two people remaining in the circle are the losers. At this point, everyone will have a partner. Have each pair make a guess as to how many candies are in the jar, and share one trait of a real or true friend.  They should write their candy guess and true friend trait on the card as a partnership.  Now have the pairs join up with another group and make teams of four. Once again, the four people must agree on the number of candies in the jar and come up with four additional character traits of a true friend.  If you have enough people, you can make groups of eight and repeat the process.  When finished, each person should have a list on their card of all the guesses that were made as they went through the activity.  Have each individual select the number on their card that they now feel is closest. Assign a member of each group to share their list of real friend traits and why they feel they are important. Now reveal the actual number of candies in the jar. Have each person circle the guess on their paper that was closest to the correct number.  Give a treat or reward to the closest individual or group.

Processing the Experience:

  • Which person or group had the closest guess?
  • Was your guess closer as an individual or as a group? 
  • Did you agree with the decision of your group? If not, did you try and influence your group to change their decision, or did you just go along with it?
  • In life, do you ever go with the group even though you may disagree with what they’re doing?
  • Do you ever try and influence a group to change?  Is there such a thing as positive peer pressure?
  • Do you have true or real friends (Are they a positive influence on you)?
  • What could you do to help a friend overcome peer pressure and deal with challenges at home and school?
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