Spatial Requirements: Classroom with moderate space required
Activity Type: Movement/group
Grades: 3-12
Group Size: 8 or more
Time: 20-30 minutes

Introduction: Our friends can affect us in both positive and negative ways.  This activity will teach how the influence of friends can either help us emerge from or pull us into the pot.


  • 2 quarters
  • Enough chairs for each person
  • 1 rectangular table or desk


Set up the chairs back to back in two lines with a desk at one end.  Divide the group into two teams.  Explain that the object of the game is to be the first team to grab the quarter.  The two teams sit around the table sitting outward, or sit in chairs back to back, facing away from each other.  The first and last person on each team will face inward.

The facilitator places a quarter on the desk. The activity is done with eyes closed, except for the first person in line.  You, the facilitator, will flip another quarter on the end opposite the desk with the quarter on it.  You will catch it in your hand and reveal it to the two people facing inward on your end of the line.  If the quarter lands on tails, the two people in line will do nothing.  You will continue to flip the coin until it lands on heads. When the quarter lands on heads, the first person in line will squeeze the hand of the person next to them as quickly as possible.  The electrical current will pass from person to person by squeezing the hand of the next person, so team members must hold hands.  Note: If tails is rolled and a team sends the electrical current down the line by mistake, the team receives a negative point.  

The last person must keep their hands in their lap until they feel the squeeze. As soon as the last person feels the squeeze, they can open their eyes and grab the quarter on the desk.  The winning team is the one that grabs the quarter first.  On the next round, the last person in line rotates to the front or starting position and everyone scoots down one spot.

The final win is awarded to the first team to get ten points.

Processing the Experience:

  • How well did your team do?
  • What were some of the challenges of this activity?
  • What would happen if you squeezed the hand of your neighbor every time “tails” was rolled?  How is that like being in the pot?
  • Is a person in charge of their life if they are always in the pot? Why?
  • What are the advantages for getting out of the pot?
  • How do friends sometimes send us negative “electrical currents?” (Self-defeating behaviors, poor choices, etc.)
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