Spatial Requirements: Gym/outdoor space required
Activity Type: Movement/group
Grades: 4-12
Group Size: Any multiple of 5 (some groups may have 6, but no more)
Time: 15-20 minutes

Introduction: We can accomplish great things when we work together; giving our desire, time, and effort to a common goal.  This activity promotes the implementation of these three important principles in a teamwork setting.


  • None


Create a starting and ending line, 30 feet apart. Divide the group into teams of five or six, and instruct the teams that they must use their team members to create a “monster” that races the other teams, beginning at the start line and ending at the finish.

Four feet and three hands must touch the ground to make the monster walk to the finish line – no more, no less. (For six people, add one more foot or hand.)  After allowing sufficient time for questions, give each small group four to five minutes to come up with a plan. 

All groups must be in standing position until you say, “Go!” and the monsters begin the race.  

The first team to cross the finish line wins.

Processing the Experience:

  • How successful was your team’s monster compared to the other teams?
  • With more time, what would you have done differently?
  • How did your group demonstrate desire, time, and effort?
  • Did everyone put forth the same amount of effort?  Explain.
  • What would have happened to the monster if one team member didn’t put forth effort?
  • What important things in life are you putting desire, time, and effort into?
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