Spatial Requirements: Classroom with moderate space required
Activity Type: Movement/group
Grades: 3-12
Group Size: 2 or more
Time: 15-20 minutes

Introduction: An important part of plugging in is understanding what resources are available and knowing how to find them within your community.  This informative activity introduces students to the variety of community organizations they can turn to for help, information, or new and positive activities.


  • Timer
  • Several phone books, local newspapers, pamphlets, flyers of events from your local chamber of commerce, or any other schedules, books, magazines, calendars, or handouts with information about places or things in your community
  • 411 list  (one per team or student) (These can be found at the link above.)
  • Pens/pencils


Arrange all the community resource materials on a table in a central location. You can have students work in teams or individually. Give each student/team a list of items they are to hunt down information about. You may use the 411 List provided online, or create one that is more relevant and specific to your community. Explain that the more places they can gather information about, the more points they will be given. You may want to briefly explain how to use the materials on the table with the whole class before beginning. Give them a time limit and let them begin. In case of a tie, award more points for more information. For example, if one team only has the phone number and the other has the phone number and the address or hours, they would receive additional points.

Variation: If you have access to search engines in your school’s computer lab, this activity may be completed online.

Processing the Experience:

  • How many items were you able to locate? Were there any items that you were not able to get information about? 
  • Did you feel it was difficult to find information about the items? Why or why not? What items were the hardest to locate information about?
  • How would being able to locate information about resources in your community help you to plug in?
  • How do you usually find information about activities you are interested in?
  • Did you find any information about activities that you might like to do in your daily life?
  • What are some ways you can find information about activities you might be interested in?
  • How will participating in these activities help you to build your support systems?
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