When, Where and How Often

Essential Questions to starting Resilience For Youth

There are important questions to consider when planning your Phase 1 implementation of Resilience For Youth. When using the implementation checklist, we ask you to consider how often you’ll teach each week, in what setting or environment, as well as when it will take place. We’ve provided several resources below to help you answer this question!

Ready-made scope and sequences


We have prepared four Scope and Sequence options for you to use in planning out your lessons. While these are solid options, Whytry is created for flexibility. You can use these as a starting spot to build what works for you and your timeframe.

9 weeks / once a week

Designed for 45 minute classes, once a week. This is perfect for a term, quarter, or short intervention program.

18 weeks / once a week

Designed for 45 minute classes, once a week. Created for a semester long implementation.

18 weeks / twice a week

Designed for 45 minute classes, twice a week. Perfect for a more intensive semester long implementation.

36 Weeks / once a week

Designed for 45 minute classes, once a week. Created for a year long implementation.

Implementation ideas for different settings and environments

Here are a few models organizations use to implement the Resilience for Youth program and approach.

Add Resilience For Youth to an existing course for one period per week per semester

This is probably the most common RFY implementation idea. Resilience For Youth is added to an existing course, such as health, study skills or English, for one class per week. The regular course teacher handles non-RFY classes. This usually allows for 12-18 contact hours of RFY instruction.

Create a new semester long course

Create a full course dedicated to Resilience For Youth provides plenty of time for discussion and activities. It could meet 2-5 periods per week. This allows plenty of time for activities as well as be perfect when a part of another SEL program or curriculum

Advisory Periods

These are regular sessions where selected students are pulled out of classes to meet with a counselor, social worker or teacher. Resilience For Youth provides consistent curriculum for these mandatory sessions.

Elementary classrooms or secondary homeroom

Every student gets 15-20 minutes of social and emotional skills every day using RFY. One day is a simple activity, another day is listening to a song, another day is a discussion. Each metaphor can be used as the theme for a month.

Self-contained classrooms

These special behavioral classrooms offer maximum flexibility for integrating into RFY social and emotional skills into academics. Resilience For Youth also provides a foundation for classroom management.After-school programs
Many schools and community centers have built after-school programs around RFY. It
provides a structure with activities, media and valuable skills that engage youth and give them an
alternative to destructive behaviors.

Transition programs

The transitions from school to work, foster-care to independence, and incarceration to freedom are the most difficult and dangerous points in a young person’s life. Resilience For Youth is used to provide crucial skills to help youth make the transition successfully.

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