The WhyTry Program is often delivered as a targeted group intervention, class, or after-school program; available in general education settings. Implementing WhyTry as a Tier 2 allows facilitators to increase exposure (frequency, duration, and intensity), the narrow focus of intervention, frequently monitor individual progress, and provide sufficient time for interventions to have an effect.


  • Implement the program with small groups of 6-10 students. Often groups are run for several weeks (10, if you address each lesson).
  • Utilize in a specific classroom setting, such as a special education course, an alternative education setting, a leadership class, or an at-risk/promise class. Lessons can be designed to be 20 minutes long for the younger grades and 50-60 minutes or longer with older grades. 
  • Create an after-school or break program to address target group needs.
  • Involve parents and guardians.  Teach them the WhyTry lessons so they can implement the strategies in the home. 
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