WhyTry can benefit specialized and individualized systems for students with high-risk factors. It can be used individually by staff (especially counselors, social workers, psychologists, administrators, and referral agencies). Using WhyTry in a Tier 3 setting allows for intensive individualized interventions and frequent assessment and monitoring.


  • Using the Reality Ride lesson, students may discuss how they get stuck in the “loop.” Discussion can then be directed to strategies for getting on the “harder but worth it” track. Follow-up can occur later to address whether they are employing strategies to keep them on that track. Other lessons, too, are appropriate in addressing multiple schools and other life issues. These include Jumping Hurdles, Defense Mechanisms, and Lift the Weight. 
  • Pull one visual analogy at a time and have several copies on hand as students address different issues. These will be brief interventions, wherein students will self-identify with adult assistance where they are with respect to the analogy, then discuss how they can use positive skills to address the presenting issue.
  • Systematically address lessons in brief, solution-focused sessions.
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