Spatial Requirements: Regular classroom setup: little or no space required
Activity Type: Group
Grades: 3-12
Group Size: 2 or more
Time: 5-10 minutes

Introduction: Jumping life’s hurdles requires thinking outside the box.  This warm-up energizer activity will help participants do just that.


  • Blackboard or whiteboard
  • 1 paper and pencil per student


Write the following formula for the entire group to see:

5 + 5 + 5 = 550

Ask the individuals in the group to make/draw one line to make the formula correct.  They are not allowed to use the (=) sign.  After a few minutes, allow some small group discussion before revealing the secret.

To solve this problem, make one slanted line on the first + sign to make it a 4:

545 + 5 = 550

Processing the Experience:

  • What was difficult about this activity?
  • Did the solution surprise you? Why or why not?
  • Why is thinking outside the box important when trying to jump hurdles?
  • How can changing your perspective make it easier to solve your problems?
  • What are some problems you face today that might require thinking outside the box?

Note: This activity can also be used to teach WhyTry’s mission to other facilitators: showing youth how to think outside the box and change their lives in positive ways.

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