Name Circle

PDF Instructions

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The objective of this activity is to get to know members of the group and do it in a fun way.


Spatial Requirements: Classroom with moderate space required
Activity Type: Group
Grades: 1-12
Group size: 2-25
Time: 10 – 20 minutes (greatly varies on size of group)


  • None

Activity Instructions:

Have the group form a circle. Ask the group if anyone knows the names of each member of the group/class. Give someone a chance to share each person’s name. If no one can do it, share the name game activity with the group. Tell them that it is an easy way for them to learn the names of group members. You, the facilitator, will set the stage by telling the group that, “I have a hard time remembering names, and an easy way for me to remember is by using a rhyming word.” Start the activity by sharing your first name and a rhyming word with your name. The rhyming word can be a real word or a nonsense/made up word. Example: If the facilitator’s name is Devin, his rhyming name could be: seven, eleven, heaven, or a made-up word like “revin.” The next person in line shares their first name and a rhyming word. If the next person in line cannot think of a rhyming word, ask for help from the group. The rules for the names are simple. The rhyming name must be positive and appropriate. If an inappropriate name comes up, have the person select a new one. The second person in line needs to repeat the rhyme and the name of the first person. The third person needs to repeat the rhyme and the name of the second person as well as the first. The process continues to the last person. When the last person finishes, ask for a volunteer to repeat all the names and nicknames in the group. If you do not get any volunteers, offer an incentive, such as a candy bar or other food. Another variation is to have everyone change seats and ask for a volunteer to name each person in the group.

Processing the Experience:

  • How many of you struggle with remembering people’s names?
  • Did this activity help?
  • Tell the group, “We will review the names the next time we meet.”
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