Two and a Half Truths

PDF Instructions

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This simple introductory activity allows you to share a little about yourself with students in a safe way while possibly giving students the same opportunity to share about themselves with the whole class.


Spatial Requirements: Regular classroom setup; little or no space required
Activity Type: Individual or Group
Grades: Any
Group size: Any
Time: Depends (see instructions)


  • (Optional) Pictures, objects or powerpoint slides showing representing your stories.

Activity Instructions:

Tell students that you are going to share three things about yourself. Two of them are true and one of them is only half true. Their job is to guess which of the stories are true and which one is false. You can show pictures, objects or slides to represent your examples. Once you have shared three things, take a vote. Tell students that they can only vote one time and they are voting for the story they think is false. Tell students that if the majority of the class guesses correctly, then they will get a reward (usually a piece of candy or a treat). Tally up the votes and give them the results. Take the time to tell them a story or fact about each truth as well as the half-truth.

Once you have done this, you may want to have students play the game as well. Have them share three things about them and have the class guess which one is false. This is a great game for the first day of class or any day where you need an attention-getter. You can either have them do it on the spot or assign them to come prepared for future class periods.

Processing the Experience:

  • No processing questions for this activity.
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