Values Continuum

PDF Instructions

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The objective is for the group to get to know what each member values or is interested in.


Spatial Requirements: Classroom with moderate space required
Activity Type: Movement/Group
Grades: Any
Group size: Any
Time: 5+ (this activity can really go as long as you’d like it to go)


  • Masking Tape
  • Power point Slides or Printed Pictures

Activity Instructions:

Explain to the group that this is a values continuum. This line will represent how they feel about two topics. Say, “When I say go, I want you to line up on this line to show how you feel about two different subjects. For example. If I were to say, which do you prefer a vacation in the mountain or a vacation to the beach with one end representing the mountain and one end representing the beach–you would then line up anywhere on the line that shows how strongly you feel about one or the other.”

After you go through the first one and clarify and answer questions, invite anyone who would like to share their reasons for why they placed themselves on the values continuum, where they did. It is important to invite people from all over the line, but do not ask specific students. Just invite them. Also, maintain the rule that there is no talking while moving to a place on the values continuum. You can then try other subjects such as:

  • Chocolate v. vanilla
  • Dogs v. cats
  • SUVs v. sports cars
  • Pie v. cake
  • Action movies v. Comedies
  • TikTok v. Instagram
  • Work Hard v. Being Smart

You can expand this to discuss serious topics as well. Feel free to use the powerpoint slides we’ve created as well as develop your own.

Processing the Experience:

  • What surprised you about the people at your end of the line?
  • Did you have a hard time deciding?
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