Spatial Requirements: Classroom with moderate space required
Activity Type: Movement/group
Grades: 3-12
Group Size: 6 or more
Time: 15-20 minutes

Introduction: This activity will help youth keep focused on their goals and dreams. It is harder but worth it to stay on track and work towards ambitions, dreams and goals. Doors will open and opportunities will be available to the person who stays on track.


  • 5 tennis balls, hacky sacks, or rubber balls
  • 1 ball that is not the same as the 5 balls (different kind, color, or size)


Have the group form a circle and space themselves so they can throw and catch a ball. The ball is to be passed in the same pattern and order every time, beginning with the designated starter. He or she will always throw the ball to the same person, who then will pass it to someone else in the circle. The pattern will be complete when everyone has caught and thrown the ball once. You also cannot pass the ball to the person right next to you on either side. You, the facilitator, start the group with one ball and have then learn and practice the pattern. Their goal is to not drop the ball as it goes through the sequence. Then introduce a second ball and start it about five seconds after the first ball has been passed. After they have completed two balls, give three more balls for a total of five balls. Start each ball about five seconds after the ball before it. Count how many times they drop the balls. Now introduce a brand new ball that is not the same kind, color, or size. Tell the group this is a very important ball and must not be dropped. Say, ‘Whatever you do, don’t drop this ball. Keep focused on this ball. Try not to drop the other balls, but it’s OK if you do.’ Have the special ball in the middle of the rotation, as either the third or fourth ball. Let the group know when that ball is starting by saying, ‘Here comes the special ball.’ The goal of the task is to focus on that ball and not drop it. This special ball represents their goals, dreams, opportunities, and the harder path that leads to the accomplishment zone.

Processing the Experience:

  • What do the five balls represent in your life? (Priorities/How you spend your time)
  • What does the special ball represent in your life? (The top priority)
  • What was the key to not dropping the special ball?
  • What is the key for getting on the harder but worth it track?
  • How do priorities help us achieve our goals?
  • How can focusing on our priorities help us remain on the harder but worth it track?
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