Spatial Requirements: Gym/Outdoor space required 
Activity Type: Movement/group
Grades: 3-12
Group Size: 10 or more
Time: 10 minutes

Introduction: On the Reality Ride, our choices often affect other people.  This activity helps reinforce this important concept.


  • None


Ask the participants to form a circle, with their right sides facing the center so they are looking at the head of the person in front of them.  Have them take enough steps toward the center so they are standing heel to toe. 

Tell the group that on the count of three, they are to sit on the lap of the person behind them.  Generally, it does not work on the first try.
Ask the group for suggestions on how to succeed in the next attempt.  Continue this process until they can all sit on the lap of the person behind them.  When they have succeeded, say, “On the count of three we will all stand up.”

Note: Avoid concrete or other hard surfaces while doing this activity.

Processing the Experience: 

  • If the group succeeded on the first attempt, ask what the keys were to being successful in such a challenging activity.
  • If they did not succeed on the first attempt, ask, “What were the consequences when one person fell or slipped off the lap of the person behind him/her?”
  • When this happened, how many people did it affect?
  • By raise of hand, how many of you feel like your choices only affect you?  Why?
  • By raise of hand, how many of you feel like your choices affect you and others? Why?
  • Who were the support systems in this activity?
  • What support systems do we have in life that can help us during challenging times?
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