Relationship Building and Using Music

  • Activity: Name that Genre -Play several types of music and have the students guess the genre. Give bonus points for the name of the artist and the song.
  • The rules of using music -We all agree to be respectful and tolerant of other people’s tastes -We all agree that we’re going to enjoy the music and learn from it
  • Discussion: How can you actually choose to enjoy something?
  • Question: In what ways can we learn from music? (How it makes us feel, how it connects with our emotions, how it affects our behavior, and what the lyrics are saying.)
  • Commit to using music frequently in the classroom (and hold to your commitment by playing music frequently to fit the mood of the activity or discussion, and encouraging students to share their own appropriate music with you throughout the semester).
  • Student Info Survey (This can also be homework.) -If time, teacher can share own examples.  
    -If time, students can share with each other. -Use this survey to get to know your students better. Incorporate what you learn into your teaching and your one-on-one interactions with individual students.

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