Spatial Requirements: Regular classroom setup: little or no space required
Activity Type: Object lesson
Grades: K-12
Group Size: 4 or more
Time: 5 minutes

Introduction: This simple activity helps illustrate the importance of knowing where you are going. Students will quickly see that when they don’t have direction it is difficult, if not impossible, to succeed. Instead, confusion and frustration are usually the end results. Note: This activity also ties in to “Lift the Weight.”


  • None


Have a student or group of students come to the front of the class. Tell them that you are going to race them. Quickly say, “On your mark, get set, go!” At this point, you should have a confused student or group of students, since you have not explained the rules or defined a finish line.  You may have this student or group sit down and repeat the activity with another student or group of students, using the same words.  Once again, there should be some confusion, and some students may start asking for clarification of rules and a finish line. Have them all sit down and discuss the activity.

Processing the Experience:

  • What was wrong with this race? Could you complete the race? Why or why not?
  • What would you need in order to complete the race?
  • How did you feel when I said, “On your mark, get set, go?”
  • In what way is knowing the location of the finish line like climbing and seeing over the wall?
  • How do rules and goals help you see over the wall?
  • In what situations in life would it be important to know the guidelines and how to finish?
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