Spatial Requirements: Regular classroom setup: little or no space required
Activity Type: Object lesson
Grades: K-12
Group Size: 2 or more
Time: 10-15 minutes

Introduction: The visuals in this activity can be compared to our ability to see over the wall and open the door to opportunity, freedom, and self-respect.


  • 2 empty bottles or quart jars (Pickles, mayonnaise, salad dressing or canning jars are acceptable.)
  • 10 Ping-Pong balls
  • Enough dried beans, popcorn, or rice to cover the Ping-Pong balls and fill the jar, approximately 2 cups


To set up, place the Ping-Pong balls in one bottle and the beans in the other.  

Tell the students that the beans represent the walls/challenges in their life, and the Ping-Pong balls represent those things that are important to be successful.  Pour the beans over the Ping-Pong balls and ask, “How do we get the important things in life to the top?” Shake the bottle, and the Ping-Pong balls will rise to the surface.

Processing the Experience:

  • What are the beans – or challenges – in your life?
  • What are the Ping-Pong balls – or important things – in your life?
  • How can you rise above the “beans” and make it to the top?
  • What will your life be like if you stay down in the beans?
  • How will you feel about yourself when you rise to the top?  Why?
  • What kind of opportunities are available on top of the wall?
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